


Eye For Games Interview: Tom Galt

zo 29 januari 2012 13:53:26A little while ago we managed to secure an interview with the lead designer for The Darkness II, Tom Galt. He spoke very openly about the challenges he faced during development, how he got to where he is now and what influenced the latest title created by his studio.
Games, PC, Playstation, Xbox
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Eye For Games Interview: Al Lowe

vr 13 januari 2012 15:28:40Last year I had the opportunity, through Eye For to interview Al Lowe. It took a while for the site to launch, but now that it's here I am free to post it on my own site. But, be sure to check out EFG, especially if you're an aspiring designer/artist etc.
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The inFamous Path

vr 15 juli 2011 10:44:48Many people who know me, know that I've always looked at games differently. When I was a writer for the now defunct I reviewed most games from three different angles. As a player, as a critic and as a designer. In the case of the latter I tried to see what the designers/creators wanted to achieve with their title. Did they succeed in their endeavour, would the player get it, or did they fail on certain points? Now, however, I'm looking for possibilities. What if's? What is next for the game-series? The first game I'm trying to answer this question for, from my point of view, is inFamous 2. This was actually the game that cemented the lingering idea. Beware though, I don't want people to read any spoilers. You are hereby warned.
Games, Playstation
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Interview with Yoji Shinkawa - 2008

ma 04 oktober 2010 21:35:15In 2008, the fourth Metal Gear Solid title for the home console was released. It brought with it the end of the Solid Snake story and introduced to us an all new Raiden. Back then, I had the privilige to sit down with the main artist of the series, mr. Yoji Shinkawa himself. The interview can be found after the jump.
Games, Playstation
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Fanfic Friday - Champions Online 1

vr 01 oktober 2010 18:26:06As stated before, I've decided to dedicate my Friday postings to the concept of fanfiction. Now, don't expect Harry Potter or Twilight stories where the men hook up (WTF is wrong with people?), and don't expect porn in general. I save the intense sex-scenes for my original work. :p Anyway, today I wanted to do post an original story set in the Mass Effect universe, but that one is backed up for a bit. So, another comic based on an MMO I play, only this one still lives: Champions Online.
Comics, Games, PC
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Farewell APB, we had fun. And ideas

do 23 september 2010 21:52:42So APB, an MMO that really piqued my curiosity has been shut down. Realtime Worlds, the studio behind the very fun game Crackdown, had to file for bankruptcy which is a bit of a shame. Moreso because I was in the process of writing some stories down which could be used in a comic.
Comics, Games
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GamesCom 2010 - My First Day

do 19 augustus 2010 21:49:04Writing this from my crappy laptop, so I'm afraid everyone will have to wait for the photo's I took. I didn't expect my inspiration to came back from day one though.
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Concept art lead character

di 17 augustus 2010 13:06:11Some of the stories I created have been fleshed out a lot more of the last couple of years, One of the main priorities I had was seeing them come to life and through the help of an amazing artist, one of them finally did.
Games, Media, Nintendo, Playstation, Series
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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Review

ma 16 augustus 2010 21:24:36During my time as a gamejournalist I've written more than one hundred reviews., all of them in Dutch. Since the website most of them we're posted on changed and dumped all old content, I thought I'd share some of them here. And yes, it's in Dutch.
Games, Playstation
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